Our Mission
To provide the safest and durable products that make everyday tasks easy for all.
About us
At Avanta, we all come from very diverse back grounds, Languages and cultures to make a team of very unique individuals who have one very common core characteristic which is the quality to “listen”. This helps us to take very difficult challenges and work every day because we want to solve the biggest problems that day to day life presents. People like to overlook a lot of things that bug us in our everyday life and one such thing was finding and plugging in electrical items such as chargers for I-pads, Cell phones, Laptops, eReaders and many more. So our Founder who is a mother of three kids came up with this idea and brought us all together to help create a product which will help solve this issue for once and all. Hence the story of our company started with an evening discussion and many many cups of coffee later we formed our company and took advice from everybody that would help us move in the right direction.
Our “one team” attitude breaks down silos and helps us engage equally effectively from the c-suite to the front line. Our collaborative working style emphasizes teamwork, trust, and tolerance for diverging opinions. People tell us we are down-to-earth, approachable and fun.
We have a passion for our customers true results and a pragmatic drive for action that starts Monday morning 8am and doesn’t let up. We rally every member of our team with our infectious energy, to make change stick.
And we never go it alone. We support and are supported to develop our own personal results stories. We balance challenging and co-creating with our clients, building the internal capabilities required for them to create repeatable results.
We work hard, but we don’t take ourselves too seriously. We enjoy what we do and we laugh a lot…most often at ourselves.
Heena Khan
Co-founder & Chief Everything Officer
Mustafa M. UllahKhan
Co-founder & Chief Technology Officer